As suggested by its title, the Sight Enhancement Equipment Pool and Assessment Centre (SEEPAC) has two component functions. SEEPAC's primary administrative mission is to manage the inventory (or "pool") of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems allocated for the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care's Assistive Devices Program (ADP). This involves acquiring, storing, distributing and maintaining the project inventory in accordance with policies of this program. SEEPAC's primary service objective is to provide high technology (computer and CCTV) assessment/authorization services through the Centre for Sight Enhancement, Low Vision Clinic, University of Waterloo and Outreach Program to the Windsor area.
SEEPAC, liaising with other Regional Assessment Centres (RACs) around the province, ships equipment to assessed clients, provides repair and maintenance services for equipment covered under the leasing program (together with "Repair and Charge" services to systems that are off-lease), and manages refunds to clients when equipment has been returned to stock prior to the conclusion of the lease period. SEEPAC is also responsible for disposing of old and obsolete equipment through a purchase program.
This site will assist you in preparing for the delivery of the CCTV following assessment, returning the unit for repair or permanently if no longer of use to the client, packing and unpacking the unit as well as shipping instructions, contact information for SEEPAC and other RAC's and a variety of other resource materials. |